projector for home theater
It does not matter how advanced your TV or projector is, if you are watching it in a dark room you are constantly fighting contrast and black level loss. You may have already experienced this on vacations where the hotel TV is too bright to watch comfortably. In contrast, a home theater or media room can be fully dark with controlled ambient light and still be able to enjoy the TV while also being able to see detail at low levels. With a screen, optics and projector costing only twice as much as a new 4K TV (about $2,000) you will enjoy theater quality in your very own living room. And if you have only a Blu-ray player in your living room then it is a no brainer. The addition of an HD projector will allow you to record HD channels and play DVDs at 1080P, as well as streaming media over the Internet. Image source: There are many factors that make up the experience of watching an HD movie in a dark room: contrast, color and black level are not...